You will find in this section the different character-design works of our star illustrator Rod! Watch out for spoilers!
First draft on Lance after Rod read the first script. He's got a little Mr. Incredible vibe, doesn't he?
Having failed to grasp the perfection of the previous design, Fred (the author) asks for a cliché action movie hero but with a busted nose. Luckily we didn't stop there.
We added more darkness so that we can have serious scenes from time to time! And it lacks testosterone! He also needs a stylish beard!
But what kind of beard exactly?
Final choice of beard. Isn't he handsome?
Tests for a more simplified style to facilitate cartoon production.
We're still waiting for a Netflix call.
Still, they were stylish designs.
Design selected. Any resemblance with the author (also brown and bearded) is pure coincidence.
Final design chosen for volume 1 of Overkiller.
Colour indications for Lance in Volume 2.
You can tell he's got more confidence, right?
Ethan's very first design! Perfect on first try.
Simplified design of Ethan.
What do you mean it hasn't changed?
Design selected. Don't you want to introduce him to your parents?
Final design for volume 1.
Colour indications for Ethan in volume 2.
Stylish, isn't it?
Hey, yeah, a lot's gonna happen in volume two...
Characters volume1
Simplified design of Diane. She has taken some shape since then!
Lance needs a truly terrifying worst enemy. How about... A four-year-old girl?
When you look at this guy you think: this man can rape a bear without a problem. And you would be right. Beautiful design.
As soon as we saw Simon's first designs we knew he would be super awesome.
New designs for Simon. He's a mime murderer, he needs to look dark!
A French mafia design! Maybe we'll see the other members later in a flash back?
Emmo's first design. That's a good boss for a first volume! I mean, the carrier guy, because Emmo has changed a lot since.
New tests for Emmo. Too cute and not mean enough!
Better design for Emmo. Both creepy and dumb! Maybe we should've kept the moustaches to avoid a Sesame Street lawsuit?
Almost final design of Emmo. Looks cute on that, doesn't he?
Rod was trying to make me resurrect Simon as a vampire. Vampire mime? That's too crazy even for me!
Design chosen for Yuri. Any resemblance with Stalin is pure coincidence.
An attempt to turn Yuri into a renegade Frenchman who has joined the Russian cause. Any resemblance with another Frenchman who did the same is pure coincidence.
No more tests on Yuri. Afterwards we gave up on making him French, but we had a good laugh.
Sergay's first design, a little super saiyan vibe here.
I wanted a scarier Sergay and I was served.
Final design by Sergay, an important character if ever there was one.
If you didn't think it was possible to make a bear look like a hipster, you are in for a treat.
What could be scarier than an angry bear? An angry bear with CHAINSAWS!
First design of the general mustache. Can you guess what was wrong?
Exactly! The moustache ! YOU ALWAYS NEED MORE MOUSTACHE !!!
I don't know why I have this idea that Russians have mustaches, but at least it looks cool.
First design of Captain Coco. Worker's overalls are missing. Any resemblance to Captain Capita... uh... America, is pure coincidence.
Let's also change the letter on his forehead while we're at it! Marx: a pleasure you can't measure
The Italian mafia and first appearance of the booby cart on a character we won't see until volume 5!
Colours for the Italian mafia. Rod's monstrous work on something that is almost invisible in volume 1.
Floor plan of Lance's apartment. If I'd remembered it existed before, it would've saved a few glitches in our promo video.
Characters volume 2 (beware spoilers)
Henry's design. Personally I saw it much bigger, but the Kimbo Slice side with an afro seduced me.
Design of MC Motherlover, I wanted a caricature of the American rapper who fills his pools with dollars, and Rod was able to read my mind.
First design by Tanya the Executrix, the super killer at the orders of the Italian mafia. She's so strong she doesn't even have a bad back!
Colour indications for Lance in Volume 2.
You can tell he's got more confidence, right?
Colour indications for Diane in Volume 2. She too has clearly gained confidence!
Colour indications for Ethan in volume 2.
Stylish, isn't it?
Hey, yeah, a lot's gonna happen in volume two...
Color indications for Tanya. She's got nice hair, doesn't she?
Colour indications for Henry Rampage Johnson! I really like this character, but its really hard to write his lines as he rhymes all the time.
Colour indications for MC Motherlover. The perfect outfit for a little country jogging in his 3-hectare garden.
Sports coach of the MC, any resemblance with a character from a Luc Besson movie is pure coincidence.
Who says gay mafia necessarily says bears (for the ignorant, a bear is a hairy gay).
I wanted a bear more bear than the others! I hope nothing bad happens to him.